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What's new in Goalbit 0.6?

Kademlia Support (Trackerless and Channel Storage)
Kad is now part of GoalBit platform! so we don't have to worry about the tracker anymore!

Now you can broadcast your own contents in an easier way:

Note: In order to use the Kad feature, the UDP port 3001 should be open (if your router doesn't support UPnP, you have to do it manually)

Broadcaster-side: channel identifier "test_channel" and trackerless

Client-side: Open URL "goalbit://test_channel" and start watching the channel!
We change our base software
We migrate from VLC 0.9.4 to VLC 1.0.1, by this way we have a more stable and complete version of GoalBit!
H-264 encoding support in Windows
Output Adaptation
Now you can record, stream and/or transcode any GoalBit Streaming!

Thanks to Renzo, now Goalbit is also translated to Italian.